The Number of Pet Food Recalls Since March 14, 2007:
Did You Know?
A Border Collie, listed in The Guinness book of records as oldest dog, died only last year, at the age of 27..She was raised on a totally vegetarian diet, of fresh garden veggies in a lentil base! So don't allow yourself to be closed minded, as this dog's health shoots all of our assumptions about canine diet all to heck!
The oldest now living dog is 27, and fed soley on Emu and Kangaroo meat...Go figure!
Neither of these dogs were fed commercial dog food!
Do You Trust The Commercial Pet Food Industry?
Symptoms Of Salmonella Poisoning
*Poor appetite *High fever *Diarrhea *Dehydration *Abdominal pain *Depression *Lack of energy
Treatment: If left untreated, salmonella infection can result in death. This is a life-threatening situation, and your pet should be rushed to the vet.
Symptoms Of Melamine Poisoning
*Anorexia *Diarrhea *Lethargy *Vomiting *Changes in water consumption *Changes in urination habits.
The lethal feature of the toxin is kidney failure. If your pet is suffering from any of these symptoms and you believe it may be linked to food you may have fed your pet, have your veterinarian run a blood test and urinalysis to check the integrity of his/her kidneys.
Symptoms Of Botulism Poisoning
In animals as in humans, botulism is characterized by progressive motor paralysis. Typical clinical signs may include:
Death usually results from paralysis of the respiratory or cardiac muscles. Pet owners who have used these recalled products and whose pets have these symptoms should contact their veterinarian immediately.
Feed Your Best Friend A Homemade Diet - At Least You Know What They"re Eating!