Friday, July 20, 2007

Pet food Recall : should we trust them?

More than 4 months have passed the the pet food recall began. Things have gotten pretty quiet. So does that mean that things have changed or is the public becoming weary of hearing about it?

I really don't see that much has changed, there continues to be recalls on all kinds of products from toothpaste to chili sauce. Granted, China has executed their drug and food safety chief and promises to improve its' food safety inspection. After taking a look at their record for human rights abuse, I find it hard to believe that their motives are purely financial. If they think they can get by with something for monetary gain, I'm sure they will.

Within the FDA there is talk of closing 7 of the 13 labs that the FDA operates. I don't know about you but I fear for the safety of my own food. I also know that if something is going to be overlooked when it comes to imports, it's even more likely to be animal feed.

For centuries, dogs and cats have trived on scraps from our tables and our trash. For some reason the pet food companies have us convinced that they are the only ones who can properly feed our beloved friends and keep them healthy (they've done an excellent job of that?). Everyone says to consult your vet when it comes to changing your pets diet, but they learn very little about feeding animals in school so most rely on the information given to who...none other that the pet food companies. YOU ARE NOT A BAD PARENT IF YOU DON'T BUY INTO THE PET FOOD INDUSTRIES LIES! YOU CAN FEED YOUR DOG A HOMEMADE DIET AND HE WILL BE EXTREMELY HEALTHY!

245 Recipes For Homemade Dog Food

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pet Food Recall : Menu Foods Refusing Calls!

Menu Foods is no longer answering their phones! When you visit Menu Foods website, and try to find out about how to file a claim, this is what you'll find:

Dear Pet Owner:

Thank you for your interest in Menu Foods. Menu Foods wants to express sympathy to those pet owners whose pets have become sick or died, and to assure you that we are doing everything we can to address your concerns. It has always been our desire to compensate pet owners for reasonable expenses that we can identify as being caused by contamination of Menu Foods’ products.

On May 24, 2007, a United States federal court issued an order that, for the time being, prevents Menu Foods from having direct contact with individual U.S. pet owners. In light of the order, we regret that we cannot communicate with you at this time. As soon as the court permits, we intend to resume efforts to resolve claims directly with pet owners. We will post additional information when we are able.

If your pet ate any of the contaminated pet food and became sick or died, you will automatically be a part of a class action suit. Just keep all receipts and vet bills for proof. A federal court is overseeing a proposed class action lawsuit, but it will probably be years before it is settled.

Find out the Secrets of Commercial Dog Food

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Pet Food Recall : Thousands of pets are dead

Since the pet food recall began in March, more than 5600 brands of pet food have been recalled, from store brands to premium brands. Thousands of pet owners are grieving the loss of their beloved friends. For now the scare appears to be over but how long will it last? Although it is the largest and most publicized pet food recall in history, it is by no means the first. Can we, or should we trust the commercial pet food industry?

Healthy Food for Dogs - 245 Homemade Dog Food Recipes!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Pet Food Recall : Pet Owners no longer trust FDA

July 1, 2007

Many pet owners no longer trust the government. This because since the pet food recall started in March, The FDA has made the statement that everything not on the recall list is safe only to be told the following week that another pet food has been added to the list. According to the LA Times, one such pet owner from Washington decided to have his pets food evaluated by an independent lab in Deer Park, TX. This came after he called the FDA when the pet food recall began because his pets' food was not on the list. He suspected that the food was the cause of his dear friends death and offered up some of the unopened food for testing but his offered was declined saying that it would not be necessary. The pet food was found to contain ACETAMINOPHEN!

Menu Foods disputes ExperTox's findings saying the FDA found no such findings.

That same man has paid another lab in Oregon to test for a variety of common toxic chemicals - not including melamine - and that lab found nothing. He said he is going to check with a third lab to see if they can duplicate the findings of the Texas lab.

"I'm looking for a third lab to see if they can duplicate the ExperTox results," Earl said. "The FDA didn't want to do testing…. After each recall, they'd say everything else was safe, until the next week when they came out with another recall. After a certain point, you stop believing them."

KEEP YOUR PET SAFE AND HEALTHY : 245 Recipes for Homemade Dog Food