Pet Food Recall : Menu Foods Refusing Calls!
Menu Foods is no longer answering their phones! When you visit Menu Foods website, and try to find out about how to file a claim, this is what you'll find:
Dear Pet Owner:
Thank you for your interest in Menu Foods. Menu Foods wants to express sympathy to those pet owners whose pets have become sick or died, and to assure you that we are doing everything we can to address your concerns. It has always been our desire to compensate pet owners for reasonable expenses that we can identify as being caused by contamination of Menu Foods’ products.
On May 24, 2007, a United States federal court issued an order that, for the time being, prevents Menu Foods from having direct contact with individual U.S. pet owners. In light of the order, we regret that we cannot communicate with you at this time. As soon as the court permits, we intend to resume efforts to resolve claims directly with pet owners. We will post additional information when we are able.
If your pet ate any of the contaminated pet food and became sick or died, you will automatically be a part of a class action suit. Just keep all receipts and vet bills for proof. A federal court is overseeing a proposed class action lawsuit, but it will probably be years before it is settled.
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